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During this coronavirus pandemic, I have struggled to find ways to bring a little joy into my own life and into the lives of others. I found that baking cookies filled an enormous personal creative vacuum, and giving those cookies away has been the icing on the. . .well, on the cookie! I can’t even count the hundreds of cookies I have packed and shipped all over the United States during 2020.

Some of my creations became popular on my Facebook and Instagram posts. But none quite captured the hearts and comments of my friends like these little elves.

I started asking myself, "What do elves do all year?" And from that question, a blog was born (well, that, plus an awful lot of research!)

I’m not a real photographer. I’m not a food stylist. I’m not a social media genius. And I don’t sell cookies! But I truly love sharing my cookies and seeing the smiles on people’s faces when they receive -- and enjoy -- that sweet treat.

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